Innovation and creativity for the Environment
2020 ARCA MED Srl - p.iva 06706190482
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Location nd date | Funding institution or Client | Description |
Comoros islands 08/2017-ongoing | European Commission GAFCC Global alliance for Climate Change- AGRER | Environmental Impact Assessment in relation to Climate Change. This assignment in in the framework of the EU funded – Global Alliance for Climate Change programme in the Comoros islands. The specific objective is to identify, evaluate and estimate the impact of Climate Change on the Comoro’s economy (key economic sectors, i.e. agriculture, fisheries and tourism; on habitat; on key infrastructures and services, i.e. roads, airports, harbours; on public health) and to assess adaptive capacity, DRR capability, institutional framework; and finally to identify and propose adaptation measures. |
Sierra Leone 2012-2012
| European Commission AESA
| Environmental Governance and Mainstreaming project Sierra Leone benefitted from EU support through EDF programmes and projects and budget support. Within such context, the assignment was targeted at the development of operational instruments for environmental mainstreaming and climate change in Government policies. Rapid evaluation of the impact of the previous EDF ICB project .Analysis of the status of the environment, needs in ICB, setting priorities and defining instruments for mainstreaming. |
Albania 2011- 2012
| World Bank
| Durres water management project Environmental impact assessment of a World bank project for the development of well fields, water supply pipeline and wastewater management for the city of Durres. Evaluation of surface water resources and water tables, sensitivity to climate change, salinization risk. |
Albania 2009-2010
| World Bank
| Social Vulnerability Assessment for the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan. The World Bank assessment of the Vulnerability of the population of the South Coast, to such issues as involuntary resettlement and demolition of illegal buildings, in accordance with the Albanian Government’s social policy and with the World Bank’s safeguard procedures Social conflict management. |
Italy 2006
| Province of Nuoro APRE | Intercommunal Strategic Plan –environement and participative planning Nuoro A strategic plan for the economic and physical development of 5 municipalities. Management of the Environment component; Communication plan development and implementation. Management of participative process Seminars and workshops for participative planning. |
Italy ASIA LAC 2003 – 2004
| Regional Government of Tuscany Ministry of Environment | Development of an operational strategy for the Tuscany Region’s international cooperation. Identification/integration of initiatives in the field of the international cooperation promoted by the Tuscany’s Region in the beneficiary countries.(ASIA; LAC; ACP) Technical assistance to Regional Government and local institutions to actively participate in the international forums and networks. Development of regional programme aimed to the involvement of local institutions, research centres and civil society for the achievement of a sustainable development. |
Albania 11 -1999 1- 2000
| Italian Cooperation | Management of the post-conflict environmental issues in Albania. This study, carried out on behalf of the Italian co-operation, has been aimed at addressing the catastrophic situation of Albania’s environment in the aftermath of economic and social crisis, civil war, and the impact of the Kosovo emergency. Environmental institutional capacity building, development of EIA system, development of environmental emergencies prevention and environmental risk management system. |
Central African Republic, Cameroon Gabon 1994 | European Commission
| Sectorial evaluation and Comparative Study of Protected Areas Management in Central African Tropical Forests This study was funded to serve as a sectorial evaluation in order to review the EEC’s policies with regard to Protected Areas management and the conservation of Tropical forests. The focus of analysis was is protected areas and tropical forest organisation and management in Central and West Africa countries. The study defined guidelines for protected areas management, in the specific conditions of Central and Western Africa, focusing on institutional capacity building and long-term sustainability |
| Italian Cooperation
| Evaluation and Comparative Study on Environmental Policies , Sectorial support and Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures and of the major Multilateral and Bi-lateral Donor Agencies. This study of environmental policies and sectorial support (programmes, budget support, projects EIA procedures of donor agencies. Covered EU, UN, WB. bilaterals (CIDA; SIDA; NORAD; DIFID GTZ) had the purpose of identifying best practices for adoption by the Italian cooperation. |