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Innovation and creativity for the Environment

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Syrian Arab Republic

2003 2004




Conservation of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management Project

The project enables the Government of Syria to meet its obligations under the Biodiversity Convention by strengthening the sector of NRM  through policy and institutional capacity to protect and manage priority sites with high value for biodiversity.

It is intended to improve Syrian capacity to safeguard and manage protected areas, and establishing the country’s first protected area as a demonstration site. In fact it develops and implements a management plan for Slenfe protected area, and helps build capacity to replicate the experience gained at the demonstration site in a future network of protected areas. Overall, activities within the project are designed and carried out in principles of adaptive management which include (among others) stakeholder participation in management planning and decision-making, monitoring of process and impacts, and iterative adaptations of management plans and strategies based on monitoring results. Three broad areas of interest are covered: sectorial development ,institutional strengthening and capacity building, protected area design and management, and harmonization of sustainable development of agriculture and livestock with nature conservation, public awareness program. .

Training of LG officials in conservation  and protected areas management.




European Commission



Urgent Safeguard Actions for the SCI Areas within the Gennargentu National Park. 

Development of management plans on a participatory basis, pilot activities in the field of conservation and of eco-tourism development, sustainable agriculture  and public awareness raising. Overall project management, development of studies and management plans and on behalf of WWF Italy.

Special emphasis on conflict resolution (Community originally fiercely  opposing the Park).: consensus building, negotiations resulted in unanimous approval of the Management  plan.


1999- 2000


Italian Cooperation

Management of the post-conflict environmental issues in Albania. 

This study, carried out on behalf of the Italian co-operation, has been aimed at addressing the catastrophic situation of Albania’s environment in the aftermath of economic and social crisis, civil war, and the impact of the Kosovo emergency. Environmental institutional capacity building, development of EIA system, development of environmental emergencies prevention and environmental risk management system.




Privately sponsored


Multiple-stakeholder conservation in Mongolia. 

 Community conservation project feasibility study  Based on the Snow Leopard as a flagship species.



11-1997-3- 1999


European Commission


Development of Tourism in Mongolia.-

The aim of the project is to define a nation-wide sectorial strategy for the development of tourism in Mongolia through the modernisation of tourism and to contribute to the development of the Mongolian economy under market condition. Long and short term technical assistance for sector development, capacity building, tourism planning, marketing, training, park planning, revision and recommendations on legislation and rules for a taxation system.


1996 –71999


European Commission

Ministry of Tourism Zambia


Development of sustainable wildlife management systems towards the diversification of the Zambian economy

Reform planning and organization of ZWA; feasibility studies and change management; development of economic and financial plan; development of commercial, administrative and planning units; organization of anti-poaching activities; development of conservation initiatives with the involvement of local communities; national biodiversity conservation plan; management plans of Victoria Falls (World Heritage Site), Lower Zambesi NP and South Lwangwa; management of commercial relations and marketing. Team Leader for the production of the  « management restructuring report », the overall plan for the organization of ZAWA.

NIS- Mongolia 



European Commission


Development of Economic Policy Options to Sustarinable Manage Threatened Biodiversity Resources in the NIS and Mongolia

 Identification of  a  programme to conserve flagship species of the NIS  and Mongolia (Siberian tiger, Amur leopard, Snow leopard).

Analysis of : status of the species, dangers for their survival,  habitat management, socio-economic framework,  human/wildlife conflicts conservation activities impact; and has developed an integrated conservation plan. Developed a full project proposal for multi-donor funding (WWF, EU, World Bank.


1994- 1995


European Commission

Privately sponsored


Community-based conservation of the coral reefs in Zanzibar

Development of sustainable marine environment use by the local communities; methods to reduce tourism impact on marine resources and on local communities economic and social structure; development of valid alternatives to present building technologies;  institutional capacity building of conservation and marine environment sustainable use bodies.


3-1994-5- 1995


European Commission


"Forest Reserve Study: Ruma Kukar Jangarai and Zamfara Forests"  E

Objective of the project is the conservation and sustainable use of the resources.

Issues included soil erosion and conservation; forestry resources, agriculture, livestock management, biodiversity, water resources, socio-economic and cultural aspects, institutional building, renewable energies, rural and infrastructure development.

Central African Republic, Cameroon Gabon



European Commission


Sectorial evaluation and Comparative Study of Protected Areas Management in Central African Tropical Forests Team Leader

This study was funded to serve as a sectorial evaluation in order to review the EEC’s policies with regard to Protected Areas management and the conservation of Tropical forests. The focus of analysis was is protected areas and tropical forest organisation and management in Central and West Africa countries. The study defined guidelines for protected areas management, in the specific conditions of Central and Western Africa, focusing on institutional capacity building and long-term sustainability.





European Commission


Wildlife conservation project in South-western Ethiopia. Ethiopian Wildlife Authority, EDF Analysis of the 1993 situation in 6 Protected Areas, followed by detailed study of the management for 3 major National Parks (Mago, Nechisar, Omo).For these Parks, a detailed project proposal was then developed, covering Parks Management, community-based wildlife development, tourism development and institutional capacity building.

Africa wide



WWF International


Rapid Intervention Facility for the Conservation of African Elephants. The objective of the study was the identification of instruments for elephant conservation in those situations where because of special urgency or especially difficult operational conditions (such as war, near-war, or immediate post-war situation) the normal aid mechanisms are inadequate.

Niger & Nigeria



CARE International


Study of the Baba N'Rafi Elephants. Study of the problems that caused eco-ethological modifications of Baba N’Rafi elephants: vegetation, water resources, wildlife, conflicts with local communities, elephant migration patterns, and the possible management options, through activities covering the ecosystem in which the elephants live on both side of the Niger-Nigeria border.

Benin Burkina Faso Chad Niger


WWF International


Development of 4 National Elephant Conservation Plans. The study analyzed the numbers, distribution, and trends of the elephant population, the organization of the National Conservation Authorities, the protected areas systems the present threats to the elephant population., and human/elephant conflicts , especially crop raiders VS agriculturalists.





WWF International



African Elephant Project Database.

Assistance to the development of project database, particularly on aspects related to project management parameters, in order to coordinate the activities of different donor agencies (as WWF and IUCN) for the conservation of elephants and to identify priority actions.


3-4 1990



WWF International


Design of a Funding Strategy and Donor Agency co-ordination for the African Elephant Conservation Co-ordinating Group). The study analysed the donor agencies’ potential for the financing of conservation activities, the funding mechanism through which elephant conservation projects could be financed, and how this compared with the priorities and means of the African Elephant Action Plan, then proposing a strategy for the financing of the plan.

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